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Output Peripherals

CH5500 Color Printers (CH5504, CH5514)

Seiko Instruments USA -- Graphics Devices Sys Div

The CH5500 series of desktop color printers produces high-quality, 300-dpi output. Using color thermal transfer technology, the printers canproduce an 8.5"x11" page in 55 seconds and an 11"x17" page in 75 seconds.The printers provide the largest color image for their size category --8.53"x11.9" on the "A" size unit and 11.7"x17.9" in the "B" size unit.They weigh only 42 pounds for an "A" unit and 48 pounds for a "B" unit.The footprint is smaller than most standard laser printers.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: Seiko color print filter and device driver, VME-Centronics DMA controller or Ethernet adapter processor
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Seiko Instruments USA -- Graphics Devices Sys Div
1130 Ringwood Ct
San Jose, CA 95131-1726
Phone: (408) 922-5800
        (800) 553-5312
Fax: (408) 922-5840